
About Paddle

Paddling is a sport like none other.

You can be fighting for your life in rough whitewater, or standing up enjoying a nice sunset across the ocean in front of you. Whatever your float is, a paddle is essential. From old wooden canoes to million dollar yachts, all have a paddle on board.

We look for the commonality between a brand and a potential partner and ensure once connected, they can get going with ease. Much like a paddle can make a boat go, the right partner can make a brand go. And once you get going, both move in unison.

Paddle agency was formed in 2018 by 3 of us in the sports and entertainment industry. We were each working at separate firms and over the years kept realizing overlap and waste for the clients we worked with. Whenever you have 3 companies working on the same project, well, you start with an unnecessary level of complexity.

For the last 5 years, we got serious about joining forces and spent a lot of time defining what our ideal agency structure would look like. How it can best benefit clients and keep everything as simple as possible. And thus we formed Paddle. Paddle is an agency, a philosophy and a new way of doing business.

Ask Fisher about his attempt to paddle the entire Cape Fear River in North Carolina. He finished, but not without some pretty insane setbacks....